Building Partnerships that Change the World

Solving The Worlds Challenges Through Effective Partnerships


We provide in-depth research energy study, policy analysis and policy reform that supports the development and growth of different sustainable and low carbon energy resources including solar, wind.


The environment is central to our services. We provide environmental solutions ranging from community engagements that help local communities understand practices that are harmful to the...


Our sustainability principles ensure that sustainability – environmental, economic, social, political, technological, is an integral part of all our projects. Specific sustainability services we provide ensure...

Climate Governance

Climate governance is key to actualizing sustainable development across the world. We provide different levels and scales of climate mitigation, climate adaptation and climate resilient services for different stakeholders - local indigenous..

Socio-Economic Development

We carry out studies to determine how energy, environment, climate change impact socioeconomic development and livelihoods of local communities and develop solutions to solve problems that ..

Technology and Innovation

We harness the power of technology and innovation to solve problems. We ensure that technologies we deploy are efficient, reliable, cost-effective and appropriate. We provide knowledge management, technology assessment studies, technol...

Who we've worked with